1.Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory
It can significantly antagonize the rabbit fever caused by endotoxin, and significantly inhibit the exudation and edema caused by
hyperpermeability of capillaries in early inflammation. Forsythia decoction or compound forsythia injection has a cooling effect
on the body temperature of artificial and normal animals.
2.Antibacterial, antiviral, detoxification
It has A significant broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, and its antibacterial components are forsythiol, forsythiol A and
volatile oil. Forsythia B has antifungal effects. Its essential oil has remarkable inhibitory effect on influenza virus. It also
has an anti-endotoxin effect.
3.Liver protection and vomiting control
Have remarkable protect liver function, can reduce liver cell denaturation, necrotic, reduce transaminase obviously, can promote
liver glycogen, ribonucleic acid content to return to normal. Forsythia has a significant antiemetic effect.
4.Adjust blood pressure
It has a significant antihypertensive effect on hypertensive animals. It also has a significant pressure boost effect on animals
with low blood pressure. It can dilate blood vessels, maintain blood vessel tension, increase cardiac output, improve
microcirculation and blood perfusion, thus stabilizing blood pressure.
Forsythia has an anti-allergic effect, can be used for immunological diseases and allergic diseases, such as acute or chronic
nephritis, allergic purpura, urticaria, allergic dermatitis, allergic pneumonia, etc., can be used as raw, danpi, Turmeric,
Address:Chengxi Industrial Park, Jishui County, Ji an city, Jiangxi Province